15 Amazing foods that boost immune system

In this article, I am going to discuss 15 amazing foods that boost immune system. I highly recommend you to include them in your daily diet plan because a good immune system is one thing that protects our body from various diseases.

Foods rich in certain fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals may foster a healthy immunity system. Hence foods play a vital role in increasing the immunity of your body.

Always remember- “Precaution is better than cure”, so you can prevent many diseases by taking proper nutritious food.



Here is the list of foods for increasing immunity

Indian gooseberry (Amla)


Indian gooseberry or Amla is the best source of vitamin C and widely used as Ayurvedic medicine in India.

Because of its high concentration of vitamin C, it is very useful in increasing the immunity system. Approximately it has (445 mg/100 g) quantity of vitamin C in it.

Vitamin C helps in promoting the immune cell to fight the infection quickly and shows a prominent role in immune system regulation.

Hence Amla comes under the category of one of the best foods that boost the immune system.

But no study has come across yet that vitamin C helps in COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Benefits of Amla

  • Amla juice, if consumed regularly, helps in treating cold and cough.
  • It helps in lowering cholesterol.
  • It helps in maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • Amino acids and proteins present in amla help in hair growth.
  • It helps in improving eyesight.
  • Increases the immunity system.
  • Used as a natural fat burner.

Kiwi fruit


Kiwi is loaded with a ton of vitamins like vitamins- A, B, C, E, K, etc. and minerals like- Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, etc.

The quantity of vitamin C in kiwi is approximately (90 mg/100 g). Because of the high quantity of vitamin C, it is one of the best foods that boost immune system.

Doctors also recommend kiwi to dengue patients. If you include kiwi in your daily diet then it will boost your immunity system.

Kiwi fruit benefits

  • Helpful for beautiful skin.
  • It helps indigestion.
  • Loaded with dietary fiber, which helps in the prevention of numerous diseases.
  • Beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders.
  • High source of vitamin C.
  • Good source of Folate



Broccoli is particularly a rich source of vitamins C and K but is loaded with lots of vitamins and minerals. It is one of the healthiest vegetables that you must include in your diet.

Broccoli is packed with anti-bacterial and immunity-boosting properties.

The quantity of vitamin C is around (90 mg/100 g) in it.

All these properties make broccoli one of the best foods for increasing immunity

Some benefits of broccoli

  • It helps in lowering cholesterol.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Due to the high amount of calcium and vitamin K, it is very good for bones.
  • Good for heart health.
  • Great for detoxification: Helps to flush out toxins from the body.
  • Protects the skin from infection and helps maintain the skin’s natural glow.
  • Good for the eyes.
  • It has anti-aging properties due to the high amount of vitamin C.



Papaya is also a rich source of vitamin C. It contains about (60 mg / 100 g) amount of vitamin C so it is one of the best foods to boost immune system.

Do you know papaya leaves have been used as traditional medicine for malaria, asthma, etc.

Papaya benefits

  • Papaya is a great source of vitamins A, B, C, E, K, and is known to be an excellent immune booster.
  • Natural Skin Cleanser.
  • Papain, an enzyme present in papaya, helps indigestion.
  • Papaya is also rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that work against free radicals and therefore help protect the body from heart diseases and cancer.
  • Regular intake of raw papaya helps reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol.
  • Antioxidants and Vitamin A help in eyes health.
  • Papaya has excellent anti-aging properties.
  • It also helps with weight loss.



As we all know that green leafy vegetables are healthy foods, and we should include them in our daily diet.

These are usually low in calories & fat and are high in protein, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, manganese, etc., so spinach also falls into the category of amazing foods for increasing immunity.

If you remember the cartoon character “Popeye“, you will also remember what used to happen when he ate spinach.

Benefits of spinach

  • Spinach is considered a powerhouse of nutrition.
  • Spinach is very good for eyes and skin health.
  • It is helpful for bone health.
  • It also helps prevent cancer, neurological problems, and many diseases.
  • Enhances the immunity system.



Avocados have high-fat content and yet they come under the healthiest fruit you can add in your diet. They have almost 20 different vitamins and minerals.

They are rich in vitamin C, K, E, B, etc. Hence they are one of the best foods for boosting immunity.

They are also rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, etc.

Avocado benefits

  • Improves digestion.
  • Helpful in weight loss.
  • It helps in maintaining the skin healthy.
  • Good source of folate.
  • Avocados are rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants, which are beneficial for eyes.
  • Good for heart and regulates blood pressure.
  • Boosts immunity system.



Rest all the fruits are on one side and apple is on another side. Apple is also known as the king of all fruits.

There is a common saying, β€œan apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

They are delicious, they are nutritious and without a doubt, they are the best foods that boost immune system.

Apple benefits

  • Good for maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • It helps in weight loss.
  • It helps in proper digestion.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Increases bone density.
  • It improves your memory and reduces the chance of developing Alzheimer’s.
  • It also helps with constipation and diarrhea.



Garlic has been used both as a food flavoring and as a traditional medicine in many countries. Garlic was used as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene during World War I and World War II.

It has been used as an antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections for the last 7000 years.

Garlic is definitely one of the most essential foods that boost immune system because of its nutritional values.

Garlic benefits

  • The high sulfur content in garlic gives antibiotic properties.
  • Purifies blood from inside to get healthy skin from outside.
  • Prevents heart diseases by lowering cholesterol levels.
  • It helps prevent cancer.
  • Good for skin care.
  • Have the properties to reverse the hair loss.


  • Asthma patients should avoid garlic, it may have side effects.
  • Do not take more than 2-3 cloves in a day without consulting a doctor.



Turmeric is a member of the ginger family and it has been used as Ayurvedic medicine in India and traditional Chinese medicine in China for thousands of years.

It is widely used in dishes as spices, especially in India.

Turmeric is also one of the best foods for increasing immunity.

Benefits of turmeric

  • Research suggests that turmeric has many benefits such as curcumin present in it as it protects against heart diseases, cancer, and other diseases.
  • In India, it is believed that if you add a pinch of turmeric powder to lukewarm milk and drink it, it increases your immunity system.
  • It has incredible healing properties including anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, etc.
  • It provides relief in arthritis pain.
  • It helps indigestion.
  • Boosts the immunity system.
  • Good for diabetic patients.



Have you ever wondered why only milk is recommended to infants!

You have also come across the question, β€œhow to increase immunity in toddlers” or β€œhow to build up immunity in a child”?

The answer to the above questions is β€œMILK”.

Milk has everything that a growing child needs.

Milk is very important not only for growing children but for every age group.

Everyone should drink at least one glass of milk daily

Milk benefits

  • Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D, hence provide strength to bones.
  • It has almost all the essential nutrients in it.
  • Boosts immunity system.
  • Very good for skin as well.
  • It helps in maintaining the blood pressure.
  • Helpful for hair growth.
  • Rich in protein: protein is necessary for muscle growth.



Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods to boost immune system. They are rich in high-quality protein. Most of the protein present in egg white.

It is recommended to eat at least 2 eggs per day in your daily diet.

Protein is composed of 20 different amino acids, eggs contain essential amino acids that the body cannot make.

Egg benefits

  • Eggs are excellent sources of protein, iron, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, etc.
  • Because of the high concentration of protein, they are helpful in weight loss and increase the immunity system.
  • Rich source of vitamin A, hence beneficial for eyes.
  • They lower the risk of heart diseases.
  • Helps in muscle building.

Bell pepper/capsicum


Bell pepper or capsicum is a rich source of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals as well. It has (80mg/100g to 180mg/100g) quantity of vitamin C in it.

Capsicum is one of the best foods that boost immune system

Bell peppers are also known as sweet pepper and they come in different colors (red, green, yellow, etc.)

Bell pepper benefits

  • Bell pepper helps to increase the immunity system.
  • Rich source of vitamins A and C, which support healthy vision.
  • It helps in maintaining healthy skin and hair.
  • Good for bone.
  • It also helps with weight loss.
  • Reduces cancer risk.
  • Good for the heart.

Dry fruit/nuts


Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, dates, raisins, apricot, etc. are known as the powerhouse of nutrients.

If you eat dry fruits regularly in a proper amount then they will drastically improve your immunity system and stamina.

Dry fruit benefits

  • They help with weight loss.
  • Have anti-aging properties.
  • They help in maintaining a healthy cholesterol level and blood pressure.
  • Walnut is very good for the brain.
  • They have cancer-fighting properties.
  • Good for the eyes.
  • Dry fruits are the natural energy booster.
  • Rich in protein: helps in muscle building.



Apart from Apple, if there is any other fruit that is very good for overall health, it is pomegranate.

Just like apples, pomegranates are also a powerhouse of nutrients like vitamin B, C, E, K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, protein, etc.

Pomegranate benefits

  • Helpful in weight loss.
  • Pomegranate is one of the best foods that boost immune system.
  • Help in preventing cancer and heart diseases.
  • Regular consumption of pomegranate helps in maintaining the blood pressure level.
  • The pomegranate juice has various anti-viral properties that are effective against dental plaque.
  • Best fruit for skin and hair health.
  • Rich in iron, hence increases the growth of red blood cells and the hemoglobin level in the body.

Salmon fish


Salmon fish is considered the best seafood among all fish due to high protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D concentration.

It is primarily known for its heart-healthy properties and its role in weight loss. But salmon is so much more than that.

It is mainly found in the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.

The name of salmon fish in Hindi is β€œRAWAS”, popularly known as Indian salmon.

Clearly salmon also one of the best foods for increasing immunity.

Salmon fish benefits

  • It is a good source of healthy fats.
  • Have almost all the essential vitamins and minerals.
  • It sharpens your brain and improves memory retention.
  • Promotes bone health.
  • It helps in increasing the immunity system.
  • Good for the skin.
  • It helps in maintaining blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease.


I have only talked about 15 foods in this article, but it is not as if there are no other foods besides them.

Apart from these, there are many other foods to boost immune system, but here I only mentioned the best foods for boosting immunity system.

Eating these foods will increase your immunity to some extent, however, this does not mean that you can avoid every disease, but yes you can surely avoid some of them.

Finally, I just want to say, if you have any serious issue with the immune system in your body, then I suggest you visit your doctor as soon as possible.



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Disclaimer: All information is taken from reliable sources (such as authentic books, Wikipedia, and others). Information or facts may vary in different sources.


  1. Samridhi upadhyaysays:

    Thanks for sharing this information. It can be of great help to all especially in these difficult times .

  2. Amazing article!!!!! , all sources for boosting immunity for vegetarians and non vegetarians have been covered in a very detail yet easy to understand manner .

  3. Nitin Upadhyaysays:

    It’s very useful Article for everyone during this Covid-19 period.
    The best part is everything is available in the market very easily.
    Thanks for sharing the information.😊

  4. Woow great It’s very useful Article thanks for sharing this information.Bade Bhaiya πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΌ

  5. Gaurav Tyagisays:

    Great Article….
    During this tough time it is very important to take care of our health and this article is very useful to boost the immunity with Natural immunity booster.
    Important and good research work done by you…!!!
    Great job Brother….
    Keep it Up…!!!!

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